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These mini resusable silicone applicators are perfect for taking on holiday as they are smaller than our other applicators measuring 8cm in length. The loose glitter adheres to the silicone statically before being perfectly transferred/placed with minimal fall out. When using brushes the bristles can flick and spread glitter particles all over the rest of the face, these Silicone Applicators prevent that happening as much. Paired with our Gel Primer will ensure full glitter coverage, little to no fall out and glitters will last all day without creasing.  After use just gently wipe/clean the glitter off ready to use again.


*£1.20 per 1 applicator or 2 for £2.00*

Mini Magic Wand Silicone Applicator

  • 8cm in length

Qui a Pretty Witch Cosmetics crediamo che ci sia magia dentro tutti noi. Quando stai bene fuori, ti senti bene dentro e quando ti senti bene dentro, irradi vibrazioni positive, attirando e manifestando così la vita che desideri! Tutti i nostri prodotti per il trucco, dalle ciglia morbide agli illuminanti luminosi, sono tutti vegani e cruelty free. Preparati per un po' di magia nella tua borsa per il trucco!

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