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Very beautiful multichrome flakes that glistens from purple to yellowy gold to green to orange and even hints of pink.


All Fantasy Flakes need a sticky base to adhere to, we recommend using our Glitter Fix Elixir Gel Primer as it designed specifically to go with them. Apply a thin layer and leave for a 10/30seconds to dry down tacky then using your finger or magic wand applicator gently press thin layer of flakes over the top.


*All of our flakes and glitter pigments are made from soft pigments and contain no glitter or plastic particles so are very safe for use around the eye area and are also considered biodegradable.


*All flakes and pigments are measured by weight. There is 1g of product in a 3g jar. Some flakes and pigments are more dense than others and all have different particle sizes which affects the weight of each one individually which is why some jars may look more filled than others but you are still receiving the same amount of product.


We are in the process of changing our packaging so some products ordered might have a gold lid while others might have transparent lid until we use up or remaining stock. The pigment inside is still the same.


*All of our cosmetics are vegan and cruelty free.

Fantasy Flakes Heliotrope Haze

8,50£ Parastā cena
6,80£Izpārdošanas cena



    INGREDIENTS: Silica, Titanium Dioxide, CI 45410

Mēs, Pretty Witch Cosmetics, uzskatām, ka maģija ir mūsos visos. Kad tu izskaties labi no ārpuses, tu jūties labi no iekšpuses un, kad jūties labi iekšēji, tu izstaro pozitīvas noskaņas, tādējādi piesaistot un izpaužot sev vēlamo dzīvi! Visi mūsu kosmētikas produkti no pūkainām skropstām līdz mirdzošiem marķieriem ir vegāni un bez nežēlības. Sagatavojieties maģijai savā kosmētikas somā!

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